Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Recruitment 2016

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has released a notification for direct recruitment of Principal (Group A), Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) (Group B), Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) (Group B), Primary Teacher and Primary Teacher (Music) posts. As per notification, Total available posts are 6205. Application mode is online. Starting date to apply online for above positions is 27th September, 2016. Last date to apply online for above positions is 17th October, 2016. Closing date for payment of application fee is 22nd October, 2016. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) department will conduct written examination in November or December, 2016. The official notification has been uploaded. Read full information for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Recruitment 2016.

Organization Name:

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Recruitment 2016 

Profile Name:

Teacher Posts 

No. of Total Vacancies  :


Post-Wise Details

1. Principal (Group A): 90 Posts 
2. Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) (Group B): 690 Posts 
3. Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) (Group B): 926 Posts 
4. Primary Teacher: 4348 Posts 
5. Primary Teacher (Music): 151 Posts 

Pay Scale :

Rs.15600/– to Rs.39100/- plus Grade Pay Rs.7600/- per month for Principal (Group A) posts; Rs.9300/- to Rs.34,800/- plus Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- per month for remaining posts.


Starting date to apply online for above positions is 27th September, 2016.
Last date to apply online for above positions is 17th October, 2016.
Closing date for payment of application fee is 22nd October, 2016.
Department will conduct written examination in November or December, 2016.

Educational Eligibility :

Qualification must be masters degree or 2 years integrated post graduate degree or Senior secondary school certificate (matriculation with +2) from a recognized University.

Age Bond :

Age limit must in between 35 years to 50 years for Principal (Group A) posts; Upper age limit for PGT posts is 40 years; 35 years for TGT posts; 30 years for remaining posts.

Application Fee :

Application fee (non-refundable) is Rs.1200/- for Principal (Group A) posts; Rs.750/- for all remaining posts. Closing date for payment of application fee is 22nd October, 2016.

Selection Process :

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) department will conduct written examination and interview for all candidates. Written exam will be held in November or December, 2016.

How To Apply

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) department requires online applications. Starting date to apply online for above positions is 27th September, 2016. Last date to apply online for above positions is 17th October, 2016.

A) Application mode is online only. Log on to official website of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) department.

B) Fill the form with required details and upload your images signature and photograph.

C) Click on online apply button and take print out of auto generated application form for future reference.

D)  Candidates must send online application forms from 27th September, 2016 to 17th October, 2016.

Document Needed For Online Apply :

Here some list of document that are necessary for online apply : 

1. DOB certificate
2. Educational Qualification Certificate
3. Adhar/PAN Card

Must Follow Tips :

1. Desirable qualification for all above posts must be knowledge of computer applications.
2. Candidates must remember that, they have to submit only 1 online application for each post.
3. Bluetooth, Mobile phone pagers or any other devices are not allowed in to examination hall.

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