Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB), Government of Tamil Nadu invites application forms in prescribed format from willing and eligible aspirants for the recruitment of Senior Lecturers, Lecturers and Junior Lecturer posts. As per requirement, there are 272 posts available. Interested candidates may send hard copy of application forms in proper format on or before 30th July, 2016. Application forms will be available from the date of 15th July, 2016. The official notification has been uploaded. Information of scale of pay, selection criteria etc regarding these posts is given below. Link to download official notification is also mentioned below. Any query and problem just comment in box below, we will contact you immediately. Read full information for Teachers Recruitment Board recruitment 2016.
Organization Name:
Teachers Recruitment Board Recruitment 2016
Profile Name:
Senior Lecturers, Lecturers and Junior Lecturer
No. of Total Vacancies :
Post-Wise Details
1. Senior Lecturers: 38 Posts
2. Lecturers: 166 Posts
3. Junior Lecturer: 68 Posts
Pay Scale :
Scale of pay for Senior Lecturer posts is Rs.15600/- to Rs.39100/- per month with Rs.5700/- Grade Pay ; Rs.9300/- to Rs.34800/- for remaining posts with 4800/- Grade Pay.
1. Application forms will be available from the date of 15th July, 2016.
2. Candidates may send hard copy of application forms in proper format on or before 30th July, 2016.
3. Written test will be held on 17th September, 2016.
Educational Eligibility :
Qualification is Masters Degree in relevant discipline with not less than 50% of aggregate marks from a recognised University. Check the official detail for the complete detail.
Age Bond :
Upper age limit for all category candidates must less than 57 years as on 31st July, 2016. Otherwise they will not eligible for Recruitment process.
Application Fee :
Application fee (non-refundable) for candidates belongs to all categories is Rs.50/- (Rupees Fifty only).
Selection Process :
Selection will be through written exam. It consists of 150 marks from the topics of Main Subject, Education Methodology and General Knowledge. Time duration is 3 hours.
How To Apply
Hard copy of application forms are required by department. Interested candidates may send hard copy of application forms to given address on or before 30th July, 2016. After this you can’t apply. Before next step please read advertisement carefully :
A) To apply for Lecturer posts, download application from official website link given below.
B) Fill with your details and paste a recent photograph on it. Put your signature at designated place.
C) Attach demand draft, relevant documents to it and send to given address before 30th July, 2016.
D) Address is "Teachers Recruitment Board, Chennai – 600 006".
Document Needed :
1. Community certificate
2. Qualification Certificate
3. Birth certificate
Must Follow Tips :
1. Department will not be accepted application forms after 5.30 p.m. on 30th July, 2016.
2. Incomplete Applications shall be summarily rejected by department.
3. Candidates must remember that, the application must not be folded.
Download Advertisement/ Application For Teachers Recruitment Board Recruitment 2016
Official Website : www.trb.tn.nic.in